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片名:二次大战启示录 发布时间:2023-08-10


◎译  名 二次大战启示录/末日启示录:第二次世界大战/天启:第二次世界大战/二战开战70周年/よみがえる第二次世界大戦 カラー化された白黒のフィルム/Apocalypse: The Second World War

◎片  名 Apocalypse - La 2ème guerre mondiale

◎年  代 2009

◎产  地 法国

◎类  别 纪录片/战争

◎语  言 法语

◎字  幕 中字

◎上映日期 2009-09-08(法国)

◎IMDb评分  9.0/10 from 13,470 users

◎豆瓣评分 9.5/10 from 12,574 users

◎整理链接 https://www.bt-tt.com

◎集  数 6

◎单集片长 50分钟

◎导  演 Daniel Costelle

      Isabelle Clarke

◎演  员 马修·卡索维茨 Mathieu Kassovitz


◎简  介


  A documentary potted history of WW2, the novelty here is that most of the film has been "colorized". The maker does not like to use this word and prefers to say "restored" but to all intents and purposes it is seeing the war in colour that makes it more gory and emotional. Explosions, bodies, speeches, ruins, bombs, it's all there and by the end of the sixth and last episode you are completely drained ! It is difficult to imagine how so much grief, damage disaster horror can be caused at the beginning by such a small number of people. Apparently, over 700 hours of film were examined before selecting the final product which is 6 x 52 minute episodes.



★★电影天堂★★app版:  安装APP不迷路不失联下载地址:直接下载点击立即下载!

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